Peter Langlands - Professional Forager & Wild Capture Enthusiast
Peter Langlands is 100% a man of the land, in fact he could live happily solely on what nature provided. Peter is a forager, and a busy one at that, Pete travels the length of New Zealand, in particular the South Island in search of seasonal goods for both himself, and some of New Zealands most prestigious chefs/restaurants.
To follow Peter and learn more about foraging you can check out his Facebook page @forageNZ or his Instagram @Peter Langlands.
Or if you are after a more direct route to Peter and his knowledge you can get his cell no. and email in the last 30sec of the podcast.
Follow @theeducatedhunter on Instagram for photos the promote our values as hunters. We post images the show “why we hunt” and images that celebrate what it really means to be a hunter. Tag us in your own photos that show why you hunt and use the hashtags #whywehunt and #theeducatedhunter to get out attention – we would love to share your hunting moments with the whole community.
Join the conversation on The Educated Hunter FaceBook group, here is a place where our audience can bring their knowledge, passion and practical skills to discuss real-world issues that hunters and hunting are facing today. It provides a platform where like-minded individuals can come together and solve real issues in a constructive manner, working together and focusing their collective passion for fixing something rather than just talking about it.
If you’re interested in Ultimate OE - flick us an email
Catch you on the clearing,
The Educated Hunter