Rachel Stewart - Guide, Outfitter, and Hunter
Rachel Stewart is a super busy woman. Rachel owns Leithen Valley Hunts, a Professional Hunting Outfit in the Lower South Island of New Zealand, juggles two young boys and still finds time to hunt internationally. We have a good chat about being a woman in the hunting industry, and how that looks and feels from her side.
To follow Rachel and the Hunts at Leithen Valley, check out the Leithen Valley instagram page @LeithenValleyHunts and the Leithen Valley Hunts FaceBook Page
Follow @theeducatedhunter on Instagram for photos the promote our values as hunters. We post images the show “why we hunt” and images that celebrate what it really means to be a hunter. Tag us in your own photos that show why you hunt and use the hashtags #whywehunt and #theeducatedhunter to get out attention – we would love to share your hunting moments with the whole community.
Join the conversation on The Educated Hunter FaceBook group, here is a place where our audience can bring their knowledge, passion and practical skills to discuss real-world issues that hunters and hunting are facing today. It provides a platform where like-minded individuals can come together and solve real issues in a constructive manner, working together and focusing their collective passion for fixing something rather than just talking about it.
If you’re interested in Ultimate OE - flick us an email ultimateoemail@gmail.com
Catch you on the clearing,
The Educated Hunter